The Washburn Parent Council provides volunteers, programs, and resources to support our students, teachers, staff, and community throughout the school year

The Washburn Parent Council is a registered nonprofit 501(c)(3), much like the Parent Teacher Association that you may be familiar with from elementary or middle school. Our mission is to build community at Washburn High School through:

  • Regular meetings to socialize and discuss timely topics facing our school community (upcoming events, fundraising needs, social issues)

  • Hosting guest speakers covering topics impacting our students (mental health, social media, consent)

  • Providing support and volunteers for Washburn events and fundraisers (Senior Party, staff appreciation meals, Plant Sale, Welcome Night, Landscape Committee)


2024-2025 Academic year BOARD

Maggie Sullivan and Katie Reilly, Co-Chairs

Dena Anderson, Treasurer

Nicole Gjevre, Co-Treasurer

